Thursday, October 6, 2011

For One Another

Drawn and Edited by: Randy Sturridge

A gift from one to another

Is not but everything that encourages others

The focus of life on distant shores subsides

Absolutes give way as molecules collide

Carry the burden of foreign references

Absolve inside out characters with all their differences

Accept all who compare the lost soldiers

Thought provoking, holding peculiar forces

Implore the universe to respond in chorus

Lift the band of restraining perspectives

Encourage all to implement directives

The bareness of many lands in hidden discourse

Re-align as fate drives emotions to the floor

Pick up the path that we have so strayed

Everybody lives as one grand leader for one another

Randy Sturridge


Unknown said...

Randy, another very good write. Not much time to elaborate tonight- got an extremely late start to the day- but these back to back lines are crazy cool, separately and combined:
The bareness of many lands in hidden discourse

Re-align as fate drives emotions to the floor

TheLargeYard said...

Understandable sir...thank you for taking what little time you did have to stop in...Thank you kindly sir.

Anonymous said...

as molecules collide....NICE :)
This is very good and I really like the pic as well

TheLargeYard said...

Thank you blackswanpoetry...I am always attempting to develop new ways of incorporating my thoughts without saying directly what it is that could so very plainly be stated. A puzzle of sorts. Thank you kindly for your comment. Greatly appreciated. And thank you for acknowledging the drawing.