She walks with such grace; so hard not to stare
Intrigue and wonder sweep the crowd
Whispering inquiries from ear to ear
Captivated onlookers from a distance off peer
Abruptly she stops and takes in the crowd
Without saying a word all the towns people bow
Her face, so beautiful, I look down as well
My heart beating so rapid; I feel so ashamed
Her features so perfect, to much to absorb
Uncanny respect though mischievous, I think
I don't understand, my body reacting alone
As if being forced by some devilish vex
I lift my head and take in puzzling images
I close my eyes and stare in her direction
Aghast, I look into her eyes, so beautiful
I can see the crowd scattered all about the ground
It matters only that this creatures stares in me
I slowly walk toward her stepping over the bodies
My gaze is fixed upon the beauty
Her body covered lightly in silk
Impossible not to trod on all of the lifeless
Her eyes have my soul, I will happily give
She turns down her head as if to breathe
I suddenly realize the horror and reality around me
Night it is no longer day
Eight hours passed in just a few seconds
Then I remembered stepping over the bodies
I look, down, around, turn in full circle
The ground is dead, lifeless, the bodies of townspeople
Confused, so scared I look back toward the creature
I meet her beautiful eyes and I remember her grace
I step over the bodies to meet her in the town center
A sweet smile begins to spread across her face
As her smile spreads my life is slowly erased
My last thought, so clear and dear
This beautiful creature is the image all fear.
Randy Sturridge