Saturday, September 10, 2011

Drawing: Gaze

Look about the room,
Canvas all the corners
Catch a gazing stare
Look away moving on

                   Look about the room
                   Full of silent watching
                   Facing forward all but one
                   Look that way just for fun
                                         He is staring still he stares     
                                         Why's he facing backwards                     
                                          A slow spreading smile
                                          Contorts his long wry face

                                                            Open mouth empty eyes
                                                             Blanket, alone, in pain
                                                             He settles back in his seat
                                                             Facing forward, conforming                    

The strange things that happen. That we will never know why...

Randy Sturridge


Short Poems said...

I appreciate your comment on my page. I have read through some of your work and I must say you are a very talented poet. Yes, it would be fine for you to put my link on your site. Thank you for your support and interest.


TheLargeYard said...

Absolutely...I greatly enjoy your site as well. Haha I know mine can be somewhat skewed in direct subject conveyed but in the end the context seems to personify my impulse, desire, and most definitely, integration into the artistic community. I have placed you in the "Great, Poets, Writers, and Artists" Link list on the right hand side...Thank you for your comment as well...Always appreciated.

Unknown said...

You're hitting a bunch of truths these past couple of pieces. Nice write again, love the styling here too. The last line, separated from the descending staircase is a really nice touch

Anonymous said...

haha thank you. This fellow goes by poeticalpsyche sonetimes uses methods like this. Always interested me in seeing you utilize it so effectively, so, good poeticalpsyche, you have vicariously inspired my desire to do so. That you for that. As well in growing on and offline I am beginning see and feel how, where, and whem etc..,I fall and fall short. Into sight it is slowly coming... appeciate all you have done throughiut these months of learning and growing.