Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Estranged Passions

Love's first embrace entrenches my soul
Enveloping my mind and shatters my defenses
Entangling my thoughts and clouding my words
Isolating my strength revealing all consequences

Love's first kiss drives my mind insane
Tugging ever-gently at my weak body drained
Fighting is vain Love's enthrall is exhausting
All of my vigor is now caged and detained

I am a prisoner clinging to Love's assignment
Pointing, I wander concerned only with enchanting
The thought of delinquency is beyond my awareness
This Love that consumes is forever granting

I am a grindstone existing only for  Love
Love that has defiled my being of pleasure
degraded and detached I beg Love's direction
Love orders death, I end my oppressor's leisure.

My disgust misconception of Love's indiscretions
Have influenced my heart now tattered apart
I admonish the souls in Love's feasting bowl
Understand the danger that Love sings at kind strangers


Randy Sturridge


Unknown said...

Randy, another one well-done. I enjoyed the piece and the second stanza really stands out to me, kind of, for me anyhow, the glue that holds the piece together. Good job

Anonymous said...

Same goes for me. The second stanza says more than I could put into words. Well done.

TheLargeYard said...

Apologies for the tardiness in extending my gratitude to the both of you for taking the time to offer some insight. Great appreciate the it...thank you both for the perspective.